About Malin Head Community Association Ltd
Malin Head Community Association Ltd. (MHCA) is a registered charity and a Company Limited by Guarantee
- Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20040253
- CHY (Revenue) Number: 13164
- Companies Registration Office Number: 317308
Who We Are

Our Board of Directors & Management Committee

Our Mission Vision & Values Statement

MHCA Commitment to Good Governance
Good governance involves putting in place systems and processes to ensure that the Malin Head Community Association fulfills it’s Charitable Purpose and achieves its Charitable Objectives as set out in the Articles of Association and upholds it’s values with integrity and is managed in an effective, efficient, accountable and transparent way. To this end the MHCA publishes it’s Annual Reports along with Policy statements and associated Policy & Procedure Documents covering the following topics which are available to review or download.
Our Community Centre
The community centre, a modern purpose built facility completed in 2011, it envelopes the original St Mary’s Hall erected in 1912 and a subsequent extension completed in 1977. The dedication manifest “Priests & People United”, while superseded under the current constitution, serves as an acknowledgement of our shared rural heritage and reminder of the importance of parish halls as a community hub in twentieth century Ireland.

Centre Staff
The Community Services Programme (CSP) funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and administered by Pobal co-funds the employ of a full time manager and a caretaker. Further appointments are facilitated through the community service programme (CE), sponsored and administered by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP) , and Tús, administered locally by the Inishowen Development Partnership (IDP).

Office Opening Hours
The community office is generally open from 9 am Monday to Friday and while the office may not be continually manned the manager is always contactable by mobile or e-mail. Please contact ahead of time if you wish to meet with a particular member of staff or require a specific service.
Our Supporters
The Committee and management of the Malin Head Community Centre would like to express their sincere gratitude for the continued support it receives from numerous local and regional businesses, organisations and individuals. The association is privileged to benefit from such sustained generosity, both in terms of sponsorship and donations, without which the facility and numerous community events and services could not exist.