Courses and Clubs

These usually run during school term time, but please contact the office during the summer for events.


Malin Head’s Whist group has been running  for decades, beginning in the then parish hall, moving to Malin Head National School while renovations were taking place and now back in their permanent home in the centre.

The group meet every Monday night from 8pm, with players from a wide age range (from secondary school students to…… well a little bit older!), from all over Inishowen. The group welcomes new players all the time, so why not come for a game and a cup of tea. Book and Ticket €10 per night.

Thursday Luncheon Club

Each Thursday a group meet in Northern Bites for our luncheon Club. This is an informal meeting where anyone is welcome to come for a cup of tea and a chat. The group also sometimes take part in various games or more formal events. If you would like to join the group they meet at Northern Bites at 12pm all year round.

Malin Head Youth Club

Our Youth Club meets every Friday night at 8pm to 11pm. In 2018 the club celebrate 50 years in existence. The Youth Club attract 60-90 school children each week, the club also represents Malin Head at the nation Youth club finals where over the years they have won many national awards.

Malin Head Heritage Group

The Malin Head Heritage Group was founded in July 2012 to collect, share and record the oral history of Malin Head. The Group have a Social Evening in the Community Centre every second Wednesday from 7 to 9. At each of these meetings there is a short talk and discussion on some aspect of Malin Head life during the past 100 or so years and a cup of tea. for more information visit the Malin Head Heritage Group page

Irish Dancing

The Sinead Mc Gonagle School of Irish Dancing launched in the Malin Head Community Centre in 2021. Sinead Mc Gonagle (TCRG Registered with AN CHOMHDAIL) caters for girls and boys from 3+ and invites them to come along for fun, fitness, friendship and even competition (optional). The school operates every Wednesday during term time with an under 8s class 4-5pm & over 8s at 5-6pm. New members are always welcomed.

Set Dancing Club

This Dancing club meet on a Wednesday evening, and can sometimes be seen leaving the hall late into the night as they are having so much fun! Everyone is welcome to join this group whether you would like to learn or if you are an experienced dancer, you will all have fun!

Set dancing is €3 per night.

Up coming Classes

We run different courses in the centre depending on demand, If you would like to see a course run contact the Office

Please contact the centre for details of the next class.